Restaurant - Ki'ichpam Xunáan

Welcome to an unforgettable culinary journey at Ki'ichpam Xunáan, where every bite tells a story of tradition and flavor. Our gastronomy is an authentic treasure, with deep roots that are intertwined with the history and culture of this region. From ancestral flavors that have endured through generations to innovative interpretations of local ingredients.

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Discover a variety of culinary culinary delights in our restaurant 

Regional gastronomy

The cuisine of Yucatán is a culinary treasure that combines Mayan, Spanish and Caribbean influences. Some of the most outstanding dishes include:

Cochinita pibil

Chicken pibil

Panuchos and salbutes

Codzitos with tomato sauce

Pickled chicken

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An unforgettable experience

Ki'ichpam Xunáan Restaurant

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